Dintre cazurile vindecate

Dintre cazurile vindecate de Zinaida Stoenescu

“Citind revista FEMEIA am vazut articolul cu d-na Zenaida Stoenescu si am fost f.f. impresionata de o doamna care spunea ca in urma tratamentului cu bioenergie facut de dansa nu mai are noduli mariti si se simte f. bine. Ma numesc Cristina Dinulescu, sunt din Bucuresti si am fost diagnosticata cu sindrom vestibular acustic si cu noduli pe tiroida. Imediat am dat telefon la redactia revistei, de unde mi s-a dat numarul de telefon al doamnei Zina. Am sunat-o si am obtinut 5 sedinte gratuite, dupa care am si inceput sa ma simt mai bine. Dar totul nu s-a sfarsit aici, depoarece dansa mi-a mai recomandat cateva tratamente. Urmeaza sa vad cum ma voi simti in continuare si stiu ca ma voi vindeca. Ii multumesc din suflet acestei doamne pentru tot binele pe care mi-l face mie si celorlalti pacienti ai sai”.

“Ma numesc Calina Rodica, am 37 de ani si sufar de spondilita anchilopoetica, o forma de reumatism in urma caruia se distruge sistemul osos. Am facut tratament sustinut cu medicamente (care au foarte multe efecte secundare negative) si anume “Metrotexat”, “Prednison” etc. In urma tratamentului n-am simtit vreo ameliorare, ba din contra, am dobandit ulcer cu nisa, pietre la rinichi si ficatul marit, plus stari de depresie. Am avut ocazia sa merg in Anglia la un medic specializat in reumatologie care, printre altele, mi-a recomandat sa apelez si la medicina naturista. Spre norocul meu, am cunoscut-o pe d-na Zenaida Stoenescu, care a reusit dupa numai cateva sedinte sa ma faca sa simt efectul miraculos al tratamentului dansei. In prezent nu mai iau nici un fel de medicamente (cam de 8 luni), ma simt excelent si recomand din tot sufletul celor in suferinta sa incerce si acest “gen de medicina alternativa”, deoarece se pot vindeca foarte repede fara sa necesite spitalizare, medicatie cu efecte negative, interventii chirurgicale, care de cele mai multe ori dau gres”.

Luiza Savu, Bucuresti:”Sunt o pacienta a D-nei Zenaida Stoenescu, am 51 de ani si nu stiu cu ce cuvinte as putea sa-i multumesc ca m-a scapat de histerectomie totala. In luna octombrie 2001 am inceput tratamentul la d-na Zenaida si in fiecare luna am fost la consultatie si ecografie. Luna ianuarie mi-a adus bucuria ca D-na Doctor sa constate la consultatie ca din punct de vedere al domniei sale “mai bine de atat nu-si doreste si ca de multe ori mai bine este dusmanul binelui”. Nu se mai pune problema operatiei, nu fac tratament medicamentos, voi merge la consultatie si ecografie abia peste trei luni. Aceasta este pe scurt povestea mea, am avut noroc de medici deosebiti care, la rugamintea mea, mi-au acordat o sansa (desi operatia parea inevitabila), iar puterea cu care Dumnezeu a inzestrat-o de D-na Zenaida asupra mea a avut efect. N-am crezut in miracole, dar dupa prima sedinta de bioenergie am trait o experienta pe care nu pot s-o descriu, cred ca trebuie incercata de fiecare. Mi-am dorit cu tarie sa fiu sanatoasa si am comunicat foarte bine cu cei care m-au ajutat si AM REUSIT. Aveti probleme? Va rog sa credeti ca veti reusi. Va doresc sanatate!”

“Sunt Ana Nicolae, domiciliata in comuna Popesti-Leordeni, str. Campului, nr.18B. Multumesc bunului Dumnezeu pentru ajutorul dat prin d-na Zenaida Stoenescu, pentru binefacerile si vindecarea obtinute prin lucrul si puterea doamnei. Inainte de inceperea terapiei, starea sufleteasca, psihica si fizica era foarte, foarte critica... nu stiam ce inseamna sa zambesti, sa te bucuri de viata si sa-ti fie bine. Eram - asa cum spune N. Steinhardt-”un om mort printre vii”, nu traiam; abia daca zaream urma de pozitivism in gandirea mea.Speram si credeam intr-un astfel de miracol, dar ma imdoiam ca este posibil...si iata, acum, dupa noua sedinte: sunt total bine, am invatat sa rad din suflet (cu pofta cum se spune). Am pofta de viata si disponibilitate sa traiesc. Atat psihic, cat si fizic, durerile au disparut de parca le-a luat cu mana, cum se spune. Sufeream de dureri cumplite ale picoarelor, simteam cuie in genunchi si o greutate a lor ce greu imi permitea sa stau in picioare si sa ma deplasez; aveam insomnie si o stare de nepuntinta si somnolenta peste zi. Cifoza si scolioza cu greu imi permiteau rotirea capului si cu dureri.(...) Multumesc doamnei Zenaida si bunul Dumnezeu s-o binecuvanteze pentru ajutorul si binele facut”.

Diana Igna, Cluj-Napoca:” Am avut marea sansa sa o cunosc pe Doamna Zenaida Stoenescu din pacate doar in decembrie 2001. Spun “din pacate” fiindca, daca as fi cunoscut-o mai devreme cu un an, sunt convinsa ca as fi scapat fara doua operatii mari si grele: una de melanom malign si alta de limfadenectomie (adica extirparea lantului ganglionar inghinal stanga). In ciuda tratamentului chimic prescris de medici, la jmatate de an, langa locul operatiei a aparut alt ganglion (!) care a crescut cat un ou de porumbel. Si, ca si cand n-ar fi fost destul, la inceputul lunii noiembrie 2001 m-am trezit cu piciorul si mana dreapta paralizate. La un examen RMN s-au escoperit 2 tumori cerebrale cu metastaze in zona parietala stanga. Atunci am venit in Bucuresti si am cunoscut-o pe doamna Zenaida, care m-a ajutat si ma ajuta enorm. Din clipa in care m-a vazut, a spus ca ma va face bine si eu am fost convinsa de asta. Am decis sa nu-mi operez ganglionul si bine am facut, caci in doua luni, de cand fac tratament la dansa, s-a redus la jumatate; si asta inca nu-i nimic! Medicii mi-au spus ca, in ciuda tratamentului alopat pe care il urmez in paralel, tumorile se necrozasera, dar nu vor disparea niciodata si astfel voi avea nevoie de jumatate de an de recuperare motorie. Ei, ce ziceti de faptul ca dupa doua luni de tratament tumoarea principala, care a fost initial de 2.7cm/2.6cm/1.7cm, s-a redus la dimensiunile 2cm/2cm/1cm (Mentionam ca buletinele celor doua analize RMN stau marturie acestor afirmatii-n.red.). deci, dupa ceva timp, vor disparea complet, iar eu voi scapa de aceasta “sabie a lui Damocles”. Nu renunt la tratamentul alopat, dar am incredere deplina in tratamentul alternativ al doamnei Zenaida, care este o femeie extraordinara, un adevarat Om. In fiecare zi ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu ca mi-a scos-o in cale, si ma rog fecioarei Maria sa-i dea sanatate si energie sa vindece cat mai multi oameni bolnavi”.

“Ma numesc Ioana Firita, sufar de lombosciatica de mai multi ani. Am probleme si cu rinichii (am eliminat trei pietre de la rinichi). Am facut tratament pentru amandoua bolile. Am venit la doamna Zenaida si am facut procedurile de bioenergie zece zile consecutiv, iar de la prima sedinta am simtit ca pot sa ma misc mai bine si am putut sa ma odihnesc foarte bine. Dupa ce am luat si ceaiurile, am inceput sa ma simt si mai bine cu rinichii. Pana atunci ma culcam umflata la fata (...) acum ma simt foarte bne, elimin lichidele si nu mai sunt balonata. Am adus-o si pe mama, care abia putea calca de durerea picioarelor. Dupa doua sedinte a inceput sa mearga fara frica. Nu a trebuit sa mai ia medicamentul pentru eliminarea lichidelor din corp. (...) Si cu tensiunea oscilanta se simte foarte bine. Eu ii multumesc doamnei Zenaida ca este si un bun psiholog. Cand vin la dansa are o atmosfera buna si incurajeaza bolnavii”.

Draga Redactie
Revin dupa 6 luni cu o scrisoare prin care vreau sa multumesc inca o data d-nei Zinaida Stoenescu pentru tot ce a facut pentru vindecarea mea. Mai nou, acum la inceputul lunii august, am repetat analizele si am facut si analiza care pune in evidenta existenta celulelor cu neoplasm, si anume, rezonanta magnetica C.R.Atat analizele, cat si R.M.-ul, au iesit foarte bune. Prin R.M. s-a putut vedea ca nodulii care sunt la sanul drept sunt benigni si nici vorba de metastaza. Pentru confirmare va pot pune la dispozitie rezultatul analizelor.Daca va mai aduceti aminte acum aproape doi ani, cand am fost diagnosticata cu neoplasm mamar drept (gradul III) si metastaza, m-am agatat cu ultima speranta de tratamentul cu bioenergie facut la d-na Zina. De la inceput dansa mi-a spus ca vindecarea nu va fi miraculoasa, adica in cateva luni, ci de lunga durata, dar cu efectul final, vindecarea. Trebuie sa remarc faptul ca d-na Zina m-a tratat si cu o serie de produse si preparate naturiste, care impreuna cu bioenergia m-au vindecat. Tot dansei ii datoez si moralul extraordinar pe care mi l-a sustinut pe toata perioada aceasta. De aceea va pot spune cu mana pe inima ca mai presus de harul sau este un om, in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, in fata caruia poti sa-ti descarci si sufletul ca unui adevarat duhovnic, psiholog, sau cum vreti sa-i spuneti.Cuvintele nu pot exprima tot ceea ce simt si tot ceea ce i datorez, acestei FEMEI cu maini de aur.
Va multumesc pentru spatiul acordat.
Adresa mea este: Bucuresti-str. Apusului, nr. 48, bl. 47, sc. 2, et. 1, ap. 28, sector 6telefon: 7606573

Catre Revista Femeia
Sunt o femeie in varsta de 44 de ani, mama a doi copii, care am fost diagnosticata cu cancer mamar(drept). Cand am luat rezultatele de la analize s-a dovedit a fi si metastaza (gradul III).Am urmat timp de patru luni tratamentul specific pentru operatie (chimioterapie si cobaltoterapie). Ma simteam cumplit dupa acest tratament, aveam pielea arsa dupa iradiere.In acesta perioada am fost recomandata de d-na Luiza Savu, d-nei ZINAIDA STOENESCU.Dupa cateva sedinte, efectele iradierii au disparut, iar in cateva luni au inceput sa se vada efectele tratamentelor d-nei Zina, ceea ce m-a facut sa renunt la operatia de san.In afara sedintelor de bioenergie, la d-na Zina am urmat si tratamentele naturiste prescrise de dansa. Dupa 6 luni de tratament va pot spune ca tumora s-a retras foarte mult, iar analizele de sange, inima, plamani etc. au iesit perfect normale.Cand am inceput sa vin la D-na Zina, eram un om fara speranta, iar acum, dupa un an de zile, va pot spune ca mi-a revenit pofta de viata, puterea de munca, etc. Am reluat analizele si dupa un an de zile, iar acestea sunt in continuare foarte bune.Nu am cuvinte sa-i pot multumi d-nei Zina, si lui Dumnezeu ca mi-a aratat si o alta cale de rezolvare a problemei mele.
NUTA DESPINA IRINA Bucuresti-30.09.2002tel: 7606573
Oana Georgescu

Un caz incredibil, articol publicat in revista "FEMEIA"

Tot mai multi romani-oameni obisnuiti, oameni de afaceri sau personalitati ale lumii artistice, sportive sau politice apeleaza la serviciile bioenergoterapeutilor. La oameni cu har- evident cei autentici si nu impostorii care profita de renumele si realizarile celor dintai. Majoritatea ajung aici abia dupa ce tratamentele prescrise de medici si nenumaratele zile de spitalizare nu au dat rezultate. Crezand in ultima lor sansa de vindecare, ei acorda terapeutului toata increderea. Aproape neconditionat. Iar vestea se duce... Si asta pentru ca o “carte de vizita” este sustinuta doar de cei care au fost vindecati, urmare a sedintelor de terapie si a tratamentelor naturiste prescrise. Dar unul dintre lucrurile importante de care depinde reusita si rezolvarea unui caz, oricat de grav ar fi, este increderea pacientului in metodele si tratamentele folosite.Acestea sunt si secretele reusitelor dezvaluite revistei noastre de catre Zinaida Stoenescu, unul dintre cunoscutii bioenergoterapeuti din Romania. Originara din Republica Moldova si asistenta medicala de profesie, ea a reusit sa ii uimeasca si sa-i convinga pe cei din jur de puterile miraculoase ale mainilor sale puse in slujba vindecarii oamenilor.
De la inceputul anilor '90, sute de cazuri- unele extrem de grave (afectiuni ale glandei tiroide, astm, fibrom, noduli tiroidieni, ulcer, afectiuni ale sistemului nervos, ficatului si valvelor inimi, cataracta si chiar leucemie)- au fost rezolvate de Zinaida Stoenescu. Sau Doamna Zina , asa cum ii spun toti. “ Totul vine din mine, din energia pe care o eman mai ales prin palme! Prescriu numai retete naturiste, iar tratamentul trebuie urmat cu strictete. Vad bolile de care sufera un om doar daca il privesc cu atentie si prevad evenimente care se vor intimpla.” Reputatia Zenaidei Stoenescu este data de relatarile pacientilor sai, care, fara exceptie, sunt dispusi sa vorbeasca despre minunile facute de cea care le-a redat sanatatea si increderea in viata. Nu putem trece peste bucuria pricinuita de scrisorile demultumire trimise din Bucuresti si din toata tara, ba chiar si din Turcia (de la Sevket Yildizhan, Izmir), pe adresa redactiei, de catre oameni carora li s-a deschis drumul catre speranta.
Deloc intamplator, revista “Femeia” cea care are meritul (alaturi si de Almanahul “Femeia”) de a o fi descoperit si de a fi publicat primele articole despre Doamna Zina, revine semnaland un caz cu totul incredibil si spectaculos. Este vorba despre cel al Anei-Maria Stefan din Bucuresti, o fetita superba, blonda cu ochi mari si verzi, in varsta de noua ani, careia, in urma unui groaznic accident de masina suferit in urma cu un an si jumatate, doctorii i-au pus un diagnostic implacabil: “Ruptura de splina, plamani invadati de sange, fractura de coloana T7-T8 si fractura de femur”. Ulterior, dupa luni intregi de spitalizare si o serie de operatii extrem de dificile si riscante, acesta s-a definitivat:”Paraplegie flasca tren inferior, sectiune medulara T7-T8”. Adica , Ana a ramas paralizata de la sani in jos... Asta pana cand mama sa, Liliana Stefan, a auzit de Zinaida Stoenescu. Dupa numai zece sedinte de bioenergoterapie, fetitei i s-a dezumflat burta (era ca a unei femei gravide in 6-7 luni, din cauza imposibilitatii eliminarii urinei si fecalelor, pe care acum incepe sa il aiba), i s-a indreptat coloana, isi pune in miscare rotula, iar la spalier reuseste sa traga singura genunchii. Lucruri de neconceput inainte chiar pentru cei mai optimisti. O vom lasa chiar pe Liliana Stefan sa depene aceasta poveste greu de imaginat si de indurat pentru noi toti, dar datatoare de putere si speranta pentru cei loviti crunt de soarta.
“In august se vor implini doi ani de la teribilul accident de masina pe care l-am suferit cand ne aflam in concediu la Baile Herculane. Fusesem sa vizitam zona impreuna cu Anuta si sotul meu cand, in localitatea Mehadia, masina noastra a intrat intr-un stalp. Toti trei am fost foarte grav raniti- eu am avut politraumatism cranian si am fost inconstienta timp de o ora si jumatate, sotul mau se afla acum inca sub stricta supraveghere intr-o clinica din Germania, iar Anuta cu diagnosticul pe care il stiti, din cauza hemoragiei interne pierduse un litru si jumatate de sange. Din cauza cazului imposibil de rezolvat, de la spitalul din Orsova unde ajunseseram am fost trimisi la Spitalul Judetean din Drobeta Turnu Severin, unde o echipa exceptionala de medici au facut totul sa o salveze pe Ana de la o moarte sigura: i-au scos splina, i-au oprit hemoragia, apoi, dupa numai doua ore a fost bagata din nou in sala pentru a i se face pleuroscopie. Doua drene au fost necesare pentru a-i scoate sangele care invadase plamanii. Au stabilizat-o, dar era netransportabila rutier, asa incat Consulului Ciprului la Bucuresti, dl. Loizos A. Karageorges, pentru care eu lucram, a inchiriat si trimis un elicopter echipat medical care ne-a transportat la Bucuresti. A fost internata la Spitalul Balthazar, unde medicii s-au luptat timp de o luna numai cu infectiile urinare si pulmonare; ca urmare a paraliziei instalate, un sfert de plaman lucra, restul nu, se adunau sange si mucozitati, asa incat Anutei i s-au facut trei bronhoscopii pe viu, fara anestezie. Niciodata nu s-a plans, are o forta interioara inimaginabila, un psihic foarte tare, suporta orice numai cu gandul ca se va face intr-o buna zi bune. In tot acest rastimp, am apelat la cele mai mari nume ale neurochirurgiei pentru a fi operata la coloana, dar nimeni nu si-a asumat raspunderea din cauza infectiilor repetate si a varstei. Avea numai sapte ani...Consulul Ciprului vorbise la clinica de Neurochirurgie din Munchen, dar era inca netransportabila si tot atunci i s-a spus ca Romania are medici neurochirurgi foarte buni, dar n-au aparatura necesara.
Dumnezeu a vrut insa sa ajung la dr. Gheorge Burnei de la Spitalul de Copii “Marie Curie”, care mi-a spus “Imi pun toata stiinta in slujba fetitei, dar nu sunt Dumnezeu”. Si-a asumat riscul unei asemenea operatii, dupa ce dl.Karageorges a cumparat de la Siemens, din banii lui, ultimul tip de fixatoare, pe care Ana avea sa fie operata la coloana si a inchiriat trusa de fixare din Germania, care costa 20000 de euro. Trei luni am stat cu ea in spital si am ingrijit-o 24 de ore din 24, dand concursul medicilor, asistentelor si personalului care o iubeau nespus, de la director- prof.dr. Pesamosca si pana la portar. Mai mult, pe langa faptul ca m-a ajutat financiar in tot acest timp, seful meu trimirea zilnic la spital tot ce aveam nevoie. N-am cuvinte sa multumesc acestui om minunat si tuturor celor care i-au dat Anutei dreptul la viata. Am invatat sa-i acord asistenta medicala de orice natura, am invatat termenii madicali, eu o sondez zilnic pentru a nu fi purtatoare de sonda si punga definitive, fac de doua ori pe zi, dimineata si seara, sedinte de electrostimulare musculara, de bioptron impotriva iritatiilor si escoriatiilor, apoi vine reflexoterapeutul. Totul e cumplit de greu si dureros, mai ales cand devine mod de viata... La paraplegie, din cauza imobilizarii apar escoriatii care pot duce la infectii grave si septicemii, dar ea nu are absolut nimic. Impreuna cu parintii mei, care raman cu ea peste zi, ne ocupam de medicamentatie inclusiv cea impotriva osteoporozei care apare prin demineralizarea osoasa. Nu o data doctorii au spud uimii:”O asemenea echipa formata din fiica, mama si bunica nu am vazut niciodata!”. Amandoua facem cu Ana lectiile, pentru ca este deja eleva in clasa a III a la Scoala generala nr. 113 de langa Big Berceni. Invatatoarea si profesoara de engleza vin la noi acasa si ii predau cursurile; a luat numai premiul I, invata exceptional, iar colegii sai de clasa o viziteza mereu. Asa fac si medicii care au ingrijit-o, prietenii, vecinii. Tataie ii face jucarii, joaca impreuna remy si carti si imagineaza o multime de jocuri pentru ea.
Tot Dumnezeu a fost cel care ne-a scos-o in cale pe Zinaida Stoenescu. Din prima clipa in care a vazut-o, Ana s-a luminat la fata si i-a acordat increderea ei; simte cine o iubeste, cine ii daruieste afectiune si incredere, iar compromisul nu exista in viata ei. Aproape imediat, rezultatele au fost uluitoare pentru noi si credeti-ma ca nu exagerez. Am trecut prin prea multe ca sa nu pun pret pe adevar! Abdomenul i-a revenit la normal, coloana i s-a indreptat vizibil, misca rotula si a inceput sa aiba un vag control al urinei. Evolutia ei, fiecare pas cat de mic pe care il castiga in lupta cu destinul dupa fiecare sedinta de bioenergie inseamna pentru noi enorm. Chiar si pentru medicii care o ingrijesc- de pilda dr. Onaca de la Spitalul de Urgenta, care mi-a spus ca nu si-a imginat o asemenea transformare. Legatura dintre noi doua este greu de descris, nu poate concepe viata fara mine si nici eu fara ea, iar cand sunt acasa, face tot posibilul sa stea langa mine si sa ma priveasca. Anuta este darul meu de la Dumnezeu si stiu ca intr-o buna zi se va face bine. Termenul tot El il stabileste, asa cum stim ca doamna Zina face parte de-acum din existenta noastra”
Oana Georgescu
Revista Femeia

Cases healed by Zenaida Stoenescu

"Reading Woman magazine I saw the article about Mrs. Zenaida Stoenescu and I was very impressed by a lady who said that after treatment with bioenergy has not anymore nodes and she feels really good. My name is Cristina Dinulescu ,i'm from Bucharest and was diagnosed with vestibular acoustic syndrome and thyroid nodes. Immediately I make a call to editorial review, where I was given the telephone number of Mrs. Zina. I called her and I got 5 free sessions, and then I started feeling better. But it did not end there, because she have recommended several treatments. Will see how I will still feel and I know that I will heal. I thank a lot for all the good that makes me and others of her patients.

"My name is Rodica Calina, I am 37 yearsold and I have spondylitis anchilopoetica suffer , a form of rheumatism after which the bone is destroyed. I did sustained treatment with medicines (which have many negative side effects), namely "Metrotexat, Prednison" etc.. After treatment I felt any improvement, no on the contrary, I acquired the niche ulcer, kidney stones and liver increased, and states of depression. I had the opportunity to go to England to a physician specializing in rheumatology, which among other things, he recommended to call and natural medicine. Fortunately for me, I met Mrs. Zenaida Stoenescu, which succeeded only after several sessions to make me feel miraculous effect of her therapy. Currently not taking any medications (about 8 months), I feel great and I recommend from all my soul to everyone is suffering to try this "kind of alternative medicine" because it can heal very quickly without requiring hospitalization medication with adverse effects, surgical interventions, which often give wrong ".

Luiza Savu, Bucharest: "I am a patient of Mrs. Zenaida Stoenescu, am 51 years old and I do not know what words I could thank her that I escaped from a total hysterectomy. In October 2001 we started to treat Mrs. Zenaida and every month I was in the consultation and ultrasound. January brought me joy as Mrs. Doctor was noted that the consultation in terms of his "better than that and not want as many times better is the enemy of good." No longer a question of operation, are not medical treatment, will go to consultation and ultrasound just over three months. This is my story short, I had the luck of special doctors who, at my request, gave me a chance (although surgery seems inevitable), and power with which God endowed her Mrs. Zenaida had on me effect. I believe in miracles, but after the first meeting of bioenergy have lived an experience that can not so describe, I think each should be tested for. I strongly desired to be healthy and we communicated very well with those who have helped me and I did it. Your problems? Please believe that you will succeed. I wish you health!

"I am Nicolae Ana, in the Community-Popesti Leordeni, str Campului, nr.18B. Thank God for good help given by Mrs. Zenaida Stoenescu for healing and benefits obtained through the work and Mrs. Before beginning therapy, the state of mind, mental and physical was very, very critical ... did not know what it means to smile, enjoy life and you are well. I was - as it says N. Steinhardt - "a man living among the dead, not living; Only if after tion of positivism in my thinking. I hope and believe in such a miracle, but I doubted that it is possible ... and here, now, after nine sessions: I am totally fine, I learned to laugh a lot (with appetite as they say). I have appetite for life and willingness to live. Both psychological, and physical symptoms have disappeared, like she took by hand, as they say. Suffering from terrible pain in the feet, felt nails in knees and weighing them how hard I allowed to stay up and I go, I had insomnia and a feeling of drowsiness and helpless all day. Cifosis and scoliosis Ihardly allowed head rotation and pain .(...) Thanks Ms. Zenaida and God bless and help her to do good.

Diana Igna, Cluj-Napoca: "We had a great chance to meet Ms. Zenaida Stoenescu unfortunately only in December 2001. I say "unfortunately" because, if I met her earlier one year, are convinced that would have escaped with two large and heavy operations: one for malignant melanoma and one of limfadenectomie ( excision left inguinal ganglionary chain ). Despite the chemical treatment prescribed by doctors,half of the year, near the operation site appeared another ganglion (!) That increased like an pigeon egg. And, like I would have been enough, at the beginning of November 2001 I woke up with leg and right arm paralyzed. In an MRI exam were discovered 2 brain tumors with metastases in the left parietal area. Then I came to Bucharest and I met Zenaida lady who helped me and helping me enormously. From the moment I saw her, she said that I will well and I was sure of it. I decided not to operate my splint and well I did, because in two months, when I do the treatment, was reduced to half, and yet this is nothing! Doctors told me that, despite treatment alopat you follow along, it was necrosis of tumors, but will not disappear again and so I will need half year of motor recovery. Well, how about the fact that after two months of treatment the primary tumor, which was first 2.7cm/2.6cm/1.7cm, was reduced to the size 2cm/2cm/1cm (mention that the two bulletins NMR analysis of these statements are testimonial -n.red.). So after some time, will disappear completely, and I will get rid of this "sword of Damocles." Do not give up treatment alopat, but I fully trust in the treatment of Ms. Zenaida alternative, which is an extraordinary woman, a real human. Every day I thank God that I got her way, and I ask the Virgin Mary to give health and energy to heal as many sick people. "

"My name is John Firita, suffer from lombosciatica for many years. I have problems with the kidneys (I removed three kidney stones). We did treatment for both diseases. I came to Ms. Zenaida and I made the bioenergy ten days consecutively and the first meeting I felt I could move better and I was able to rest well. After I got the tea, I started feeling better with kidneys. Until then I sleep with the face fat (...) now I feel very well, remove liquids and are no longer swollen. I brought her and my mother, barely able to step foot pain. After two sessions she began to walk without fear. She had to take medicine for removing liquids from the body. (...) And with oscillating tension feels good. I thank Ms. Zenaida that is a good psychologist. When I come to her has a good atmosphere and encourages people. "
Oana Georgescu

Dear Editorial ,
I Return after 6 months with a letter which I want to thank again to Mrs. Zinaida Stoenescu for everything she did for my healing. Most recently, at the beginning of August, I repeated the analysis and I did the analysis and which reveal the cell neoplasm, namely, Magnetic Resonance CR .Both tests, and RM's have come out very good. By R.M. could see that the nodes that are at the breast are benign and no case of metastasis. For confirmation we can provide outcome analysis. If you remember about two years ago, when I was diagnosed with right breast neoplasm (grade III) and metastases, I hooked the last hope of treatment with bioenergy made from Mrs. Zina.From the beginning She told me that the cure will not be miraculous, I mean in a few months, but long term, but with the final healing. You have to notice that Mrs. Zina and treated me with a number of natural products and preparations, along with bio I was cured. I DEBTS HER great morale and that she supported throughout this period. Therefore I can say with hand on heart that most of the grace or a Human in the true sense of the word, in front of which you can download and soul as a true confessor, psychologist, or how you tell. Words can not express what I feel and what I owe, this woman with hands of gold.
Thank you for the space My address is: Bucuresti str. Sunset, no. 48, bl 47, sc. 2, et. 1, ap 28, sector 6 Telephone: 7606573

By Woman Magazine I am a woman aged 44 years, mother of two children, I was diagnosed with breast cancer (right). When I got the results of analysis proved to be metastases (Grade III). I followed for four months for surgery specific treatment (chemotherapy and cobaltoterapie). I felt awful after this treatment had arsa skin after irradiation. In this period I was recommended by Mrs Luiza Savu, Mrs. Zinaida STOENESCU. After several sessions, radiation effects have disappeared, and in a few months began to see the treatment of Mrs. Zina, which made me to give up operation of breast. Besides sessions bioenergy to Mrs. Zina I followed and natural treatments prescribed by her. After 6 months of treatment I can say that the tumor was very withdrawn, and blood tests, heart, lungs etc.. came off perfectly normal. When I started to come to Mrs. Zina, I was without hope, and now, after a year, I can say that my appetite has returned to life, the power of work, etc.. I resumed tests after one year, and they are still very good. No words I can thank Mrs. Zina, and God showed me another way to solve my problem.
Nuta Despina IRINA, Bucharest-30.09.2002 tel: 7606573

AN INCREDIBLE CASE, article published in "Femeia" Magazine

More and more romanians-ordinary people, businessmen or personalities of the artistic, sporting or political world calling the services of bioenergotherapists. We mean people have gift - obviously the genuine and not the impostors who take the advantage of the reputation and achievements of the former. Most come here just after the treatments prescribed by various doctors and countless days of hospitalization did not give results. Believing in their last chance of cure, they give all their trust to the therapist. Almost unconditional. And the news goes ... And that's because a "business card" is supported only by those who have been cured following the sessions of therapy and natural treatments prescribed. But one of the important things on which the success and solving a case, no matter how bad it is, is patient's confidence in methods and treatments that are used.these are the secrets of the successes disclosed to our review by Zinaida Stoenescu, one bioenergotherapist well-known from Romania. Originating in the Republic of Moldova and the health care profession, she has managed to uimeasca amaze and convince people of the miraculous powers of his hands, put on the job of healing people.
From the early 90's, hundreds of cases-some very serious (diseases of the thyroid gland, asthma, fibroma, thyroid nodes, ulcers, diseases of the nervous system, liver and heart valves, cataract and even leukemia) - have been resolved by Zinaida Stoenescu. Or Mrs Zina ,as tell all. "Everything comes from me, from the energy I emit particularly by hands! I Prescribe only natural prescription, and treatment should be followed strictly. I see diseases that humans suffer a concern only if I look carefully and I provide events that will happen. "Zenaida Stoenescu's reputation is the Story of her patients, who, without exception, are willing to talk about the wonders that she made bringing health and confidence in life. We can not get over the joy caused by thanksgiving letters sent from all over the country, and even from Turkey (from Sevket Yildizhan, Izmir), on the editorial staff, the people who opened the way to hope.
Not accidentally, the "Woman" Magazine that has the merit (along with the almanac and "Woman" Magazine) to discovered and to published the first articles about Ms. Zina, signaling a case quite incredible and spectacular. It's about Ana-Maria Stefan in Bucharest, a beautiful girl, blonde with green eyes and large, in the age of nine years, which, after a terrible car accident suffered after a year and a half, and doctors - had a diagnosis implacable: "break the spleen, lungs invaded by blood column fracture of T7-T8 and femur fracture. Later, after months of hospitalization and a series of operations extremely difficult and risky, it was finally "flaccid paraplegia train lower section pithy T7-T8. I mean, Ana remained paralyzed from the breasts down ... That was until her mother, Liliana Stefan has heard about Zinaida Stoenescu. After only ten sessions of bioenergotherapie, daughter blew out her belly (was like a pregnant women in 6-7 months, because of impossibility fecals and urine elimination, which now begins to have), and to head the spinal column, he put knee cap moving and to the espalier to succeed herself in firing the knee. Things unthinkable before even the most optimistic. We just let Liliana Stefan dépense this story was hard to imagine and endured for us all, but giving strength and hope for those hit by the brutal fate. "In August it will fulfill two years of the terrible car accident that I suffered when we were on vacation in Baile Herculane. I had to visit the area with my husband and Anuta since Mehadia in town, our car entered in a pole. All three were very seriously injured-I had politraumatism skull and was unconscious for an hour and a half, my husband is now still under strict supervision in a clinic in Germany, and the diagnosis of Anuta we know of cause internal bleeding and lost a half liter of blood. Because the case could be solved, the hospital where Orsova arrived I was sent to the County Hospital in Drobeta Turnu Severin, where an exceptional team of doctors have made everything to save on Ana from certain death: and spleen were removed , have stopped bleeding, and then only after two hours was put in the room to be pleuroscopie. Two drain was necessary to remove blood that invade the lungs. They stabilized her, but was untransportable on road, so that Cyprus consul in Bucharest, Mr. Loizos A. Karageorges, for which I work, rent and sent a helicopter equipped medical care who has taken her to Bucharest. SHe was interned at Balthazar Hospital, where doctors have struggled for months with a urinary and pulmonary infections, as a result of paralysis installed lung quarter of work, not rest, gather mucus and blood, so it Anuta made three bronhoscopies live without anesthesia. He never complained, she has a force inside unimaginable, a very mentally tough, but support any think that will be in a good day. In all this time, I turned to the biggest names of neurosurgery to be operated at the spinal column, but no one and has taken responsibility because of repeated infections and age. She was only seven years old ... talk to the consul of Cyprus Neurosurgery clinic in Munich, but she was still un transportable and then everything was said that Romania has very good doctors neurosurgeon, but have not the equipment necessary. But God wanted to get to Dr. Gheorghe Burnei from Children'Hospital "Marie Curie, who told me" I put all the science in the service of daughter, but I'm not God. " He assumed the risk of such operations, dl.Karageorges after bought from Siemens,with his money, the last type of fixing kit, from Germany,which costs 20,000 euros,that Ana had to be operated at column ,. Three months I stayed with her in the hospital and I care a 24 hours of 24, giving the doctors, nurses and staff who loved unsaid, the Director-Professor Pesamosca to the keeper. Moreover, besides the fact that financially helped me all this time, my boss at the hospital daily have sent everything we needed. I have no words to thank this wonderful man and all those who gave Anuta right to life. I learned to care agreement and of any nature, I learned medicals terms , I wells daily to not be carrying the bag for the probe and are twice daily, morning and evening sessions of electrostimulation muscle of bioptron against irritation and escoriatiilor, then comes the reflexotherapist. It's awfully hard and painful, especially when becomes a way of life ... In paraplegia, due immobilisation escoriatii occur that can lead to serious infections and septicemia, but it has absolutely nothing. Together with my parents, who stay with her the day, we handle medicines including against osteoporosis which occurs in bone demineralization. Not once doctors have said amazed : "This team of daughter, mother and grandmother I have ever seen." Both do the lessons with Ana, because it is already student in class III at the elementary school no. 113 near Big Berceni. School teacher and professor of English come to our house and teach the courses, but she took first prize, learn exceptional , and colleagues visit her always. So do the doctors who caree for her and friends and neighbors. Pops makes toys, playing cards and rummy together and imagine a lot of games for it.
God was the one who got us in a way Zinaida Stoenescu. From the first moment she saw it, Ana was lit in front and trust granted them who she loves, who gives her affection and trust, and compromise does not exist in her life. Almost immediately, the results were amazing for us and believe me not exaggerate. I went through too much not to put the price for truth! Abdomen has returned to normal, the column was directed visible, move the knee cap and started to have a vague control urine. Its evolution, each small step as we win the fight with her destiny after each meeting bioenergy is huge for us. Even for physicians who care like Dr. Onac from the Emergency Hospital, who told me that he has not figured such a transformation. Connection between us two is hard to describe, can not conceive of life without me or without me there, and when I'm home, do the best to stay near me and watching me. Anuta is my gift from God and I know that one day will be fine. The term also establishes HIM, as we know that Mrs. Zina is now part of our existence "
Oana Georgescu, "Femeia" Magazine

Zinaida Stoenescu has the power to render health

Sometimes miracles are happening near us. Moving down the street acting worries us, diseases, but also hopes, without suspecting that somewhere, perhaps in our vicinity, is the solution for everything wheight our soul. A small apartment, lost in a block with four floors of residential Bucharest Militari. You never say here, just a few tens of meters from the usual bustle of the city, go into another world. One of the miracle, the people worn with serious diseases appeals desperately but also hope when classical medicine no longer offers solutions. Here is the consulting room of Stoenescu Zinaida, a biotherapist which not only brought back many health, but also the joy of living. A robust woman with thick eyebrows, like solid eaves for two deep, dark eyes. Bright smile not leaving her face almost never. It is one of the most famous bioenergotherapist in the country, but with roots in Basarabia mysterious land. Born in Isaicani, Nisporeni, Zinaida Stoenescu has reached 51 years and almost 14 years, was established in Romania, where she found purpose and marriage with a Roman engineer who was, initially, pacient.hundreds of peoples have crossed the threshold of the cabinet, with diseases of the most various :diseases of the thyroid gland, fibroma, thyroid nodes, ulcers, diseases of the nervous system, liver, heart valves, cataract and even leukemia. Last terrible disease and treated even her own daughter, Lilia, which doctors in Chisinau, Kiev and Moscow no longer give many life. Later, in front of the healing record, they still challenged the possibility to make childdren . Obviously, Zinaida is now proud grandmother of two girls, big Yamur ,8 yearsold, the small DAMLA , 2 years old.
"I was born into a kind of shirt"
Zenaida 'Source of energy is universe. "Like a golden rain of energy, like petals of the sunflower falls over me all the time. I can see the individual diseases of my face, but I can provide and what will happend in the future. It appear to me, so that some sequences on a video, pictures about all this, says therapist. I can "see though and disaster events that are happening in the world, even years before they become reality. "Since 1998 I wrote the U.S. Embassy in Romania that will be done a catastrophe of the twin towers. Had visions with them crashed, but did not know exactly when and how it will happen. He says he feels earthquakes or fires, wherever they take place and in general, all the major events underlying the panda destiny of mankind. "I grab it, some shivering, I change my look and these appear to be about, explain me. Everything start in childhood. "I was born into a kind of shirt, made of something like that, as a fine cloth. Midwife said this is divine sign. At 8 years ols she save herself, focusing deeply, from a swamp. Slowly, slowly began to relieve the anguish, first those of family. "I was in class VIII when the mother had internal bleeding and doctors shake the head skeptical. I stayed with her, I have a gentle palms on the head and abdomen ... The next day, she left on her legs from the hospital. After she took the degree of health care, got it on the bioenergotherapist to Kishinev, where she was a master on the famous doctor Idiatnova. "I convinced her Idiatnova of my skills after watching evolution of a 5-6 sick that i personally treat. Coincidence, were different cases: paralysis of limbs, partial paresis, cysts of ovary, which we can solve them. In only three days, she got my visa for Sakhalin, once with the acceptance of the City Hospital there and the Ministry of Health of the USSR to work for them, remembers Zinaida. For two years she worked there, in that remote city in the Soviet Far East. "I still felt isolated ... Sakhalin was too far and like I was at the end of the the world. To convince me not to go, they made me a very convenient offer , but which I declined. After that, in the early 90's she worked in Poland, at a home for children hypoacusis, Zinaida arrived in 1992 in Romania, in Focsani. This was the turning moment in her life, because there was to know him and who became the husband, the engineer Ovidiu Stoenescu. Zinaida decided at that time to establish definitively in Romania. In 1993, the two have moved in Bucharest.
Receives information from an alien
Massages, passing energy, tea plants after secret recipes , she say smiling, that is the secret, "inheritance" from my grandmother, compresses and badijonari with such tea. This is treatment following diagnosis done by searching eyes and palms full of energy. And the results are even real. Letters are all testimony and confessions former patients, people living with addresses and phone numbers, returned to normal life from Zinaida Stoenescu 'consulting room. Moreover, last year and has given powers through an apostolic letter Nuntiaturii in Bucharest, to restore health and vigor iin body Pope John Paul II. Unfortunately, time has had no patience with the destiny of the naive, but then Zinaida receives invitations and messages on various occasions from Nuntiaturii as gratitude for her generous intentions. More strange, delicate, especially for those who believe only in what they see, feel and touch, is the story with ... Kardaba. A nice man, dressed in a suit-metallic silver, which transmit sometime Zinaida what to do and helps a lot. The problem is that this Kardaba is ... alien. "First time contacted me through the years'92. I woke up on a ship, lying on a table, and he called me, actually communicate telepathically, you should do good to peoples, and he will help me. I send him all the suffering that people can, what moves to do with palms to heal or provide for what happens to people and humanity. It appear me, look here, under the forehead, says therapist. She Admit that can not "read the body dressed in black, otherwise she has no problems. She claims that he can move her"astral body" in various places in which people think and ask her help. beyond of things that may seem strange for unadvised eyes and thought , Zinaida Stoenescu and her real gains outlined by tens and hundreds serious medical cases, difficults, that she has resolved ,by all people who offered the chance to be happy and to enjoy a sunset, but especially another sunrise.
Even on the day on a visit to Zinaida Stoenescu consultin room, in her miraculous hands was a man 67 years old,who came just from Oradea, Florian Gherman. His body was scattered by pain caused by a chronic rheumatism polyarticular, which is added cervical spondylosis and lumbar sciatica. "I went to countless doctors, I tryed various treatments. I can not eat pills anymore, so many have used all these years! Until now, no result ... Instead, you look ... after only two sessions to Mrs. Zinaida I had the best days of... I do not know when. That's why I came back for other sessions, said the man. As for many of those are in need and that appeals to her coming Who knows where the country, Zinaida has given Mr. Gherman not only hope, but also in hosting her own consulting room.
One spectacular recent cases, reported in the daily press, is the little Maria Popescu, aged one year and a half. Shortly after birth, she was diagnosed with ventricular septal deffect perimembraneous. In other words, in her little heart, the atrial and left ventricle, there is a hole of 8 mm. The only escape seemed to surgery but had to wait for the age of 4 years. Desperate - unknown to them what can bring the next day, Maria's parents went to "greats gifts "of Stoenescu Zinaida. After two months of therapy, they took her and check again ... miracle! Electrocardiogram showed that the diameter hole is reduced to 6 mm. After months of other bioenergetic meetings, the hole reached about 3.6 mm, became almost a normal systolic close. Recently, another medical check showed clearly that it has reached only 2 mm and Maria and her parents could hope that her life and childhood will normal .

Article written by Gabriel Penes